“The Lilacs Outside My Son’s Elementary School” Barzakh Magazine, Winter 2024.
"Digging Graves" nominated for 2021 "Best of the Net"
“Digging Graves” and “Untitled” Big City Lit, Winter 2021.
“Teaching my Son to Play Dead When an Active Shooter Enters his Elementary School”, Red Coyote Literary Magazine, 2019.
“Violence of Lush” and “Bibles in the Rearview Window”, The Watershed Review, Spring 2019.
“Violence of Lush”, Finalist for Sundress Publications Broadside Contest 2018.
“Already Taken Everything of Value”, Shift Literary Journal, 2018.
"Child Speaks of German-Immigrant Grandmother", Two Countries Anthology, Red Hen Press, 2017.
“Ripen”, Lunch Ticket, Summer, 2017.
“To the Romantic”, The California Quarterly, 2016, Vol. 42, No. 3.
“Taken”, Broken Plate, Spring 2016.
“Wanderlust", Blast Furnace, 2015, Vol. 5, Issue 1.
“Poetry, Grief, & Motherhood.” http://chloeyelenamiller.blogspot.com. April 9, 2015.
“Eve’s Anger”, “Trash”, and “Amid”, cream city review, Visual Issue, Fall/Winter 2010/2011, Vol. 34, Issue 2.
“Rose” and “3274 Hull Ave”, The Westchester Review, 2010, Vol. 4.
“Woman with Bible on Eastchester-Dyer 5 Train”, CrossBRONX, Home Issue, Summer 2009, Vol.2, Edition 1.
“MaleVolence”, The New Verse News, June 17, 2009
“Ocean Sea” Chapbook published by Finishing Line Press, 2009
“Iceland, 2007” and “Eyes Not Large Enough to Catch Beauty”, Moria, Volume 11, Issues 1 & 2, 2008
“Die Verlassenheit”, The Cortland Review, Fall 2008. Issue 40.
“Cartographer’s Nightmare”, The Broome Review, Vestal, NY. Spring 2008. Vol. 1, Number 1.
“Foucault’s Silence and Poetry’s White Space”, Boston, MA Paper for American Cultural Association Conference Panel on Poetics April 7, 2007.
“Virgin Mary’s Faith”, Lumina, Bronxville, NY. Spring 2005, Number 4